Thursday, 28 July 2022

OWAC V June's rank & file month - the might of the Dragon Company

Rank & File Month

Who need a dragon when you have an entire Dragon Company.

Ulther: We will be eternally in debt for your kind help and guiding our company in such a dangerous adventure.

Snow White: I accept your gratitude and there is no need to worry about the perils of our journey. I am very happy to help my friends, your brave companions… and abandon such a boring fest. You know, I love my husband but do not expect me not to run away after four days of such boring court fests.

Ulther: Well, lucky we were there during the fests when the news about the orc advance reached the castle. Without your assistance, we didn’t know this path to the valley and probably won't reach our friend Lord Kazador in time. 

...About your friends… we will avenge those seven brave engineers, my lady.

Snow White: Do not worry also for my friends, if I am also showing you this path is because maybe we need to reach fast and help king Kazador even more than my friends. Specially if they have deployed one of their… how to say, creative solutions. 

Remember that story when my stepmother tried to poison me?, my friends chased her along the valley and in the end a rock fell by accident over her... Let’s say that I knew very well our home deep in the forest and I do not remember having a trebuchet in the garden before I fell asleep.

Ulther: Do you think that they may have repelled the mighty and unglorious orc warlord Gorfang?

Snow White: I suspect more than you want to know. I hope there is still a mine shaft and not a giant crater instead when we arrive there.


King Kazador: We must start to retreat to our lines. We can barely resist their massive waves.

“Doc”: My lord, but if we retreat now we cannot bring with us the part of the treasure that has not been sealed in the lower levels.

King Kazador: And what exactly do you expect me to do in order to stop these filthy orcs? Bring a dragon to burn ‘em all??

[bang bang bang]

A dragon! A Dragon!

King Kazador: Well, Doc, that’s your dragon. Now let start loading that frigging gold and run away from this damned hill.

Ulther! My friend! Your help is more than welcomed! Now show those beasts how does a proper dwarf shieldwall work!


The last month requires a final bang before saying goodbye to the current edition of the OWAC. And this unit was the perfect candidate for such an honour.

Thanks to Mariano, this unit was my introduction to the oldhammer community. It has travelled (almost) all around the world before settling into my desk. Probably 5?Even more years ago? Unfortunately , they were still in their box, untouched, eager to be deployed.

Let’s finish the OWAC with a regiment of renown.

Besides of the legendary miniatures, the Dragon Company awesomeness allows me to completely break my previous painting scheme, like I did with the Jes Goodwin's eldar pirates from the last year.
I will probably follow this strategy in order to not getting burned during a challenge/painting schedule.

I got catch by The Lost and the Damned painting of the Dragon Company and tried to replicate the approach to the shieldwall heraldry, but with a not-so-small twist. Adding an patterns to their imperial dwarf tabards and armour styles too, so almost every dwarf is unique.

I loved the opportunity to paint checkers, halved patterns, etc. and bring out their armour. The repeated sculpts are not so easily recognisable and therefore not a problem at all in the final result.
So, less talk and show you the migh of:

Prince Ulther (dwarf hero) and 14x Dragon Company with full command (count as Iron Breakers) - 430 points

Yes, yes, the last month I was 100% legal and didn’t claim the slayer hero because I didn’t paint him in the leader month. But Ulther needed to be with his fellas, doesn’t he? I am not cheating, did I?

I am not totally proud of the banner because at this point I was running out of time as I needed to finish everything one week ago!!

Probably I will touch it again in the future. Improve the dragon and add several motifs.

At least I had spare time to bring to the ranks this little friend that was magically recovered when me and his proud seller thought it has been lost in the UK mail system. Two months later it pops up, returned to the sender! So I wanted it anyways and in time before the challenge ends.

Also, there is now Seven Dwarfs without Snow White. Another year, another great idea by Lissane in the comments that I NEEDED to include in the army. I had this civilian laying around and thought, spot on for the cause!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish the freehand on my dwarf warrior banner, a personal shame that I should finish when I improve the Dragon Company banner or else take the slayer oath!

And with those words, let’s see you in the recap.
Until then, Adrian’s out!

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