The high elves are proud of their archery skills since their rise as an empire.
Professional armies made good use of this elite troops. However, after the war of the beard and the disbandment of large portions of the once majestic imperial elf army, these corps have been made of trained levies.
Still highly skillful archers besting the elite marksmen of other races and usually commanded by war veterans.
By the time of the crisis of Tor Nimtala, one of the last settlements on the continent, Nevarth's Sharpshooters were an effective combat unit capable of defend themselves against hordes of greenskins and beastmen harassing their domain.
Nevarth's worked with the lack of support from Ulthuan after the High King's order of abandoning the continent, and opted to mix the levies from the tiranoc and nagarythean lineages of his lieges, in order to boost their camaraderie in case that the unit shall increase their numbers in a major conflict.
They sport the colours of the differnt houses and mix together to compose a colorful and lethal unit. If you see their banner, you're about to get a deadly shoot.
Apart of my theme of a combined army of Nagarythe and Tiranoc levies, I used the mixed colours and patterns to improve the character of the unit. I love the monopose archers and think that they retain much more character and are in every way better than more modern plastics or even many of the 3rd party attempts at elf archers.
However, as we all know, a regiment, not even a large one, can be tedious to paint and boring to display with only one pose available.
12x Archers with a Champion, banner and musician - 217 points
Lastly, my secret santa's offering
Sorry for the blurry picture of the front, but I almost forgot to take the photos besides it has been painted even before knowing that Mariano was my secret santa.
Next month, hope that I can complete the spearmen in time (with mixed colours AND freehanded shields!).
Until then, Adrian's out.
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