Tuesday, 2 January 2024

The Old World Army Challenge's 7th edition has just begun! - high elves edition


It's that time of the year again. 
No, I'm not talking about the one with decorated trees and looped Mariah Carey songs. But there will be plenty of elves. 
It is the time for a new Old World Army Challenge presentation!
The last year I completed a new 40k/30k army that has caused more than one raised eyebrow when I played it for the new Age of Darkness setting. However, it also increased my storage problems, so I need to resist the impulse to start a new collection or complete some of the more unfinished projects. 
Instead, some of your last projects gave me the motivation to take it easy, select one of my old armies from the pile of shame old-middlehammer miniatures, and finish it once and for all.

So this year I have selected a bunch of high elves with the 4th edition army list and I will try to get a complete 2000 point army multi-edition ready, with the units I already had painted over the years, for some fantasy love.

The High Elf host of the lost city of Tor Nimtala


My army general is going to be an old damaged Tyrion that I repared and converted over the amazing 4th ed metal wood elf dragon, which I feel that it is the crown jewel of the elf dragon sculpts after the emperor dragon.

High elf Lord on Great Dragon - 760 points

My second in command will be a humble elf mage, as it always must be a wizard in a high elf army.
High elf mage - 59 points
My rank and file will be distributed over several commont troops

20 High elf spearmen with a champion and command group - 300 points

12 High elf archers with a champion and command group - 217 points

I had these early plastic archers that I started collecting for the Blood Bath at Orcs drift collection that will be used as Shadow Warriors. I am not completely decided if give'm shields as I do not want to hide their quivers and the usual kite shields are a bit too large for these skirmishers (to my liking). 
If I find something appropiate I will give them the shields.

10 High elf Shadow Warriors - 110 points

The other special troops will be 

10 High elf Swordmasters - 224 points

Lastly, I have some warmachines and chariots. I have not finished my baggain train but I will include one for the wildcard/baggain train month.

1 High elf chariot - 72 points

1 High elf reapeater bolt thrower - 50 points

I also have in my box a small unit of high elf militamen/warriors with shields made from a collection of Tim Prow oldies and citadel Middle Earth elves. But, again, I have some troubles the last year by overcommiting some months. So I will play safe this year and depending on how I go with my current troops I will add them later on one or two of my rank and file months.

For now, it is a 1792 point army list, 58 elves, some steads, warmachines and a huge dragon.
More than 1000 points on pure troops and small characters if we do not count the huge point sink of the dragon.

Let see if I can complete another OWAC.

Until January's update, Adrian's out.

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