It is a bit late to announce this, but better now than never.
This year I am part of the bunch of miniature maniacs that will desperately reduce a chunk of their unpainetd metal piles with the Old World Army Challenge (or OWAC for short). Whether I could finnish or not, I do not know. Hope it is better than my self imposed challenge of 1000 points of sea/high elves.
This challenge consist in painting 1000 points, no magic items, due to June. 200 points per month. At least I could finnish in time the first batch of models for January.
The original idea was to finnish the story behind the elves, including a bit of not-miniature centered backstory post. Also including the map with Tor Nimtala, the made-up remaining small colony of elves in Tilea.
However, some academic-PhD related-last-sprint thing have made the autumn and winter paiting queue a bit of a mess. Fortunately, everything is finished and I probably could conclude the story. For finnishing the story and the las elf units, I am considering that: a) I have an spare month in the OWAC or else, b) a 3 troll unit as a wildcard, as you can see below.
As a big spoiler: the story do not end very well for the elves, they want help from dwarves and humans, but an ally of the skaven have appeared in the valley.
[At this point, enter the orcs]
This orc pillaging party will be the next chapter of the story, as I prepare some details for the dwarfs and the skavens.
Now, regarding the OWAC itself, I have been playing with the idea of greenskins for a long time. But I was attracted to the old sculpts rather than the newish muscular ape-like orcs. A rogue bolt thrower crew was my damnation, as I couldn't escape the call to collect an army.Which I will paint during the next month as follows:
Zharkk Facesmasha mob of pillager and raiders
It is not a good orc horde without an evil looking rabble of noisy and smelly boys (in all its c15 glory).
15 Orc boys
with light armour, spears (mostly), musician and a banner
But Zharkk knows that this rabble of incompetents are not the one that will win the fights, so he is followed by his retainers.
14 Orc Big Uns
with light armour, spears (or some sort of long stabby things), musician and a banner.
Sometimes the party needs an extra of firepower because those pesky dwarfs like to get out of their holes to shoot they crossbows.
10 Orc Arrer Boyz
with shield, musician, a banner and totally not Harboth, just 'nother lad.
Oi! who is gonna scout ahead, we forgot to call the gruntas or any the wolf riders. Bring those small gits from there and put them ahead.
10 Goblin stikkas
as cannon fodde- I mean, scouts.
Now that we have sum scouts, why did not ye lads bring some more sneaky gits that will stab in the enemy backs while we punch them in the face.
ser Gitfried (Goblin lvl 10) leading
19 Spear gobbos
with light armour, shield, musician and a banner
Zharkk have made a deal with the skavens for his next campaign, but those chaos creatures are not trustworthy allies. However, he has a good bunch of negotiators at his disposal
10 Giant Black Orcs
with double handed weapons, a musician and a banner.
Of course, none shall go wreacking havok without a bunch of trolls
3 Trolls
the afformentioned wildcard
I've not forgotten that this party is leaded by the mighty Zharkk:
Zharkk Facesmaha, Lvl 20 Orc
with light armour and shield
These boys make slightly more than 1000 points, with a grand total of 83 models to paint. I must finish some small conversions (especially in the commander, that I intend to resemble Hagar Sheol from Blood Bath at Orc's Drift).
The units will have a mix of weapons but I try to collect enough spears + other weapon sculpts in 50/50 proportions so it is visually pleasant. An orc horde must not be, in any way, organized *shrug*. What it is next, formations?
And here they are, a bunch of green and pale freaks, ready to pillage in Tilea.
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